10 Houseplants That Require (Almost) Zero Sunlight

Low-Light houseplants are ideal for home plant lovers that travel generally, have busy work schedules, live in a shadowy home or apartment, or don't worry about giving extra time to their plants.

In nature, many plants grow at the base of the higher plants, so they only accept extremely diffused or dappled light, and various houseplants can grow in low-light.

Yet if you think like you're a houseplant continuing killer, I understand that you can parent the most beautiful, abundant, and lushest houseplants! I'm rooting for you to make it happen; furthermore, I am glad to share the best ten houseplants that are effortless to care for and require around zero daylight.

Houseplants That Require Zero Sunlight

These ten houseplants are all beautiful, very easy to care for, and will succeed properly in low-light places.

Houseplants That Require Zero Sunlight

These ten houseplants are all beautiful, very easy to care for, and will succeed properly in low-light places. 

1. Spider Plant

I like the Spider Plant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum plant or airplane plant, for how hardy it is with almost zero daylight. It can remain for years in indirect daylight and still survive prosperously if it lacks water for a while. In case, throughout the wintertime, it requires a very little amount of water at all. This houseplant will flourish in fluorescent light as well. Check Latest Price on Amazon ( Click Here )

Spider Plant

Spider Plant:

  • will produce small white flowers when it is growing
  • branches seem like baby spiders and can be repotted
  • is a large indoor air cleaners
  • grows fastly and
  • looks attractive in hanging planters.

2. Lucky Bamboo

The Lucky Bamboo is excellent for a house that doesn't receive a lot of sunlight because it demands much-limited light. It thrives greatly in low or indirect light. That being stated, it does require some light, and it will not develop properly in whole darkness.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo isn't a bamboo at all. The stalks, stems, or canes(whatever you favor to ask them) match a bamboo plant's canes, therefore the name. It is called a dracaena.

If you are growing your plant in soil, assured it's kept lightly moist. Don't allow the soil to become extremely dry and don't overwater after leading to root rot. Bamboo does not demand extra water to grow, but it can be planted in water as well. If you want to grow your bamboo in water, then make sure the bamboo roots constantly stayed in the water. Provide fresh water to your lucky bamboo every week to keep it healthy and happy. Check Latest Price on Amazon ( Click Here )

3. Fern 8

The Fern 8 produces frilly petals that can append a gentle texture to your houseplant arrangement. Paw ferns, also known as Microsorum diversiform, and native to Australia. The scientific name relates to the leaf structures on the plant; many leaves are complete, while older leaves have deep indentations. Check the latest price on Amazon ( click here )

Fern 8

Fern 8:

  • is very calm and comfortable to grow
  • needs small attention
  • thrives appropriately in high humidity

4. Devil’s Ivy

I have a pothos plant on an east-facing wall in my house, and This wall catches some daylight from the window. I manage an artificial plant light throughout the wintertime and autumn to supplement the limited sunlight it receives.

Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy plant likes a light spot, but preferably not in a draught or direct sunlight. Remember, the paler the leaves, the extra light your plant demands. The soil can be slightly moist, if possible, do not hold the roots in water. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

5. Red Prayer Plant

The Red Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura) is uncommon because, at night, the leaves of this fold, therefore its name, similar hands folded into prayer.

Red Prayer

Red Prayer Plant:

  • will glance fabulous in hanging baskets because of the pink colour on the bottom of its leaves
  • bears low light, but may require more extra light for leaves to unfold completely
  • it favours moist soil. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

6. ZZ Plant 

The ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is an outstanding option if you want to add any green that you are practically guaranteed to keep living. This houseplant is almost impossible to kill.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant:

  • Has beautiful shiny leaves.
  • Is flexible and will be nice if neglected.
  • Remains with (nearly) zero sunlight.
  • It will be satisfied with “plant light,” or fluorescent light, that is why you will usually notice these at indoor markets. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

7. Peace Lily

Not truly a lily, the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) has big, delicate white flowers that grow throughout the whole year.

Peace Lily

These grow attractive tall and will provide flowers more regularly if they have at least some natural daylight. We have ours in our living room, and it receives some southern-facing window daylight from across the room.

Peace Lily:

  • views excellent in a floor planter because they can grow 40 inches high.
  • Will begin to notice droopy when it requires water.
  • Are native to tropical regions of southeastern Asia and the Americas. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

8. Areca Palm

Areca Palms (Dypsis lutescens) are great air purifiers and can also perform as a humidifier for your indoor place!

Areca Palms

Areca Palm:

  • will append a tropical texture to your house
  • is one of the most accessible palm trees to grow inside
  • can provide little, yellow flowers. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

9. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is wonderfully green with bright leaves; its sharp point tips this low-light house plant its nickname of mother-in-law’s language. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant:

  • demands pretty little water
  • is pretty tough to kill
  • can grow up to many feet high

10. Peperomia

Peperomias will permit a type of light conditions. They favour to be out of straight sunlight because in their real environment will grow below forest canopies. Peperomia plants belong to the peppercorn family, Piperaceae. Check the latest price on Amazon ( Click Here)



  • These are simple to care for
  • It will purify the air
  • It loves humidity (would be significant in your bathroom)

If your house has a few windows entirely or has some areas in your home that do not have sufficient ambient daylight, these are all houseplants that will remain with a plant light, or some could manage perfectly nice with small natural light. If you don’t desire to buy an artificial plant light, you could arrange a GE Plant Light Bulb and set it in one of your other lights. Be sure to obey your plant light near to your plant (6 to 9 inches); oppositely, it will begin to stretch as it grows to reach the light and become leggy. “Leggy” means when your plant stalk grows very high without producing any leaves on it.


1) Spider Plant  | 2) Lucky Bamboo 3) Kangaroo Fern | 4) Devil’s Ivy | 5) Red Prayer  | 6) ZZ Plant| 7) Peace Lilly  | 8) The Areca Palm  | 9)  Snake Plant  | 10)  Peperomia 

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