How to Grow Banana Trees | Growing Banana Trees in Containers

Growing Banana Trees in Containers or pots is simple if you're helpless to grow it in your garden or lack space or cold weather. In this article, you learn how to grow banana trees in pots. Many banana varieties can resist temperature dips and grow properly in containers.

A question that may arise in your thought is– Will banana tree in a pot bear fruits?

Yes, of course, It is feasible. A banana tree produces fruits in container bountiful. But it may take up to three to five years to grow fruits.

Growing Banana Trees in Containers

Growing Banana Trees in Container

Banana is a fast-growing and affluent green plant that can provide any area a tropical appearance and feel. Various banana trees become great houseplants that don’t require extra attention and grows up very fast.

Banana trees dwarf varieties can grow anyplace among 2 to 4 meters high. Compared to the common banana trees that can reach up to 15 meters high.

Growing Banana Trees in Pots in Tropical Area

A banana tree in a container in a hot climate is easy to grow, with some care. If you live under USDA Zones 9 to 11, put your banana tree in the shaded area in the afternoon in the summertime while the plant is immature. All requirements are related to given below Varieties for temperate zones.

Indoor Banana Varieties you can Grow in Container or Pots:

All of the below dwarf banana varieties restrict up to only 4 to 12 feet tall and are suitable for growing in containers. You can additionally grow certain banana varieties indoor.
  • Dwarf Cavendish
  • Dwarf Red
  • Dwarf Brazilian
  • Rajapuri
  • Williams Hybrid
  • Dwarf Jamaican
  • Dwarf ‘Lady Finger’
  • Gran Nain
If you desire to grow ornamental bananas trees, check out these varieties:
  • Musa ornata
  • Musa sikkimensis ‘Red Tiger’
  • Ensete ventricosum

Some Requirements for Grow Banana Trees in Pots:

Soil :

The banana tree requires sandy and well-draining soil that is abundant in organic matters and compost. You can buy a quality potting mix for your banana tree. If you want to make it at home, mix perlite, compost or manure, and sand.

Banana requires lightly acidic to neutral soil to provide potassium-rich bananas. The requires soil pH should stay around 6 to 7.5. If your soil is much alkaline, you can add sulfur to lower ground the pH.

Sun :

Banana trees grew in subtropical and tropical areas of the world because they prefer humidity, full sun, and heat. If you want to grow healthy banana trees, you should put them in a place where they receive the sunshine most of the day (regularly 5 to 6 hours) but ideally protected from the wind.

Watering :

Banana trees like moisture. Water it routinely and thoroughly and ensure not to overwater. It requires water two times a day in hot weather or when it is root-bound in the summertime. Soil for growing banana plants should be kept consistently moist. Decrease watering in winter.

Banana Plant Care


Banana is a fast-growing plant, and it demands massive feeding to grow healthy. Feed your young banana plants with nitrogen-rich fertilizer to support it grow quicker. When your banana tree in the container becomes mature enough to give fruit, fertilize it regularly with 15:5:30 fertilizer.


Banana plants hold increasing while the temperature decreases below 10°C. Before the start of wintertime, prune the leaves.
Please place it in a hot, sunny place till the spring.


The banana plant favors humidity levels over 50%. Suppose you have a low humidity level. Put a layer of pebbles in a tray filled with water around the banana plant to enhance your banana plant's humidity level.

Pests and diseases

Bananas are relatively resistant to diseases. However, if you see the leaves varying brown or drying at the edges point, it indicates you’re overwatering your plant, and if the leaves become yellow, it means your plant having a lack of nutrients.
Often banana weevil, coconut scale, and banana aphids might attack the banana plant. But using organic pesticides, these pests are repelled easily.
How to grow banana trees in pots

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